3-09/010.00 - Range Operations

The Weapons Training Unit Lieutenant is the Department Rangemaster.  The Rangemaster has the functional supervision over all training sessions at all Department ranges to enforce all safety regulations and to ensure that the training conforms to the quality standards of the Weapons Training Unit.

The Rangemaster is authorized to establish, change, or abolish shooting courses, qualifications, and regulations.

At any Department range, the Rangemaster, or their designee, is authorized to:

  • Post and enforce safety regulations and orders;

  • Inspect any armed personnel’s firearm, whether the firearm is Department issued or personally owned;

  • Make recommendations to ensure that the condition of firearms of Department personnel conform to regulations;

  • Prohibit the use of unsafe firearms or ammunition; and

  • Issue, repair and maintain inventory control of all Department weapons and munitions, including tear gas.

Unauthorized firearms, including rifles, shotguns, and select-fire weapons, are not permitted on any Department range without the Rangemaster's or range supervisor's approval.  Rifles, shotguns, select-fire (“machine gun”) weapons, tear gas grenades, flash bang grenades, and pyrotechnics are not permitted in mobile ranges at any time.