3-03/120.00 - Ammunition Requirements

Armed members assigned to uniformed-duty in the field shall carry their authorized full-size on-duty handgun with a cartridge in the chamber and magazine loaded to full capacity.  In addition, they shall carry a minimum of two fully loaded magazines in their magazine pouch. The additional loaded magazines shall be for the carried on-duty handgun.

Sworn members assigned to plain clothes duty or uniformed administrative duty shall carry their authorized handgun with a round in the chamber and magazine loaded to full capacity.  In addition, they shall carry a minimum of one fully loaded magazine on their person to reload their handgun.

In addition to the minimum ammunition outlined above, armed members may maintain additional ammunition on their person, in their vehicle, in their personal locker or another readily accessible place at the station, office of assignment, or other place of duty.

In custodial facilities and security areas, ammunition is to be stored in accordance with policy established by the concerned unit commander.

Authorized duty ammunition shall be specified by the Weapons Training Unit.  Currently authorized duty ammunition will be listed on the Weapons Training Unit’s Intranet page. Target or training ammunition is not authorized for duty use.