3-01/030.27 - Retaliation

Retaliation against persons who complain of workplace violence, against persons who oppose conduct or conditions prohibited by this policy, or against persons who participate by giving testimony or assistance in investigations or proceedings under this policy, any law involving violence or threat of violence, or Civil Service Rules is a violation of this policy, even if the underlying complaint of workplace violence is proven to be unfounded.

For the purposes of this policy, a claim of retaliation is valid if proven that:

  • The employee was engaged in a protected activity (defined below):
    • Complaints about violations of this policy,
    • Opposition to conduct or conditions prohibited by this policy, and/or
    • Participation in giving testimony or assistance in investigations or proceedings under this policy, laws involving violence or threats of violence, and Civil Service Rules,
  • Thereafter, the employee was subjected to adverse employment action (defined below):
    • A job detriment or significant negative impact on terms and conditions of employment,
  • There is a causal link between the protected activity and the adverse employment  action.

No retaliation is established if the alleged adverse employment action was taken for legitimate business reasons.