5-09/170.10 - Qualifications for Patrol Rifle Use

Patrol Rifle-certified personnel are those who have attended and passed the Weapons Training Unit Patrol Rifle certification course.  Personnel must maintain their certification by attending training and qualifying as indicated by the Weapons Training Unit.

Guidelines for Patrol Rifle training and qualification will be maintained on the Weapons Training Unit intranet website.

Only Special Enforcement Bureau (SEB) personnel are exempt from receiving initial certification and recurrent training from the Weapons Training Unit.  SEB Patrol Rifle instructors may certify, train, and qualify SEB personnel on the use of the patrol rifle.  All other sworn members of the Department must receive initial certification, recurrent certification, and training from the Weapons Training Unit.

Exemptions to the qualification requirements outlined in this policy may include, but not limited to:

  • IOD status;

  • Light-duty status prohibiting the shooting of a firearm;

  • FMLA leave; and

  • Certified pregnancy. 

A pregnant employee shall automatically be exempt from shooting requirements upon submission of a Certification of Pregnancy form (SH-AD-648).  This exemption shall remain in effect until thirty (30) days after the employee has returned to duty following her maternity leave of absence. 

Sworn personnel who do not meet the qualification requirements due to an approved exemption shall immediately shoot and pass the qualification course when the exemption is no longer applicable.