3-01/050.95 - Court Cases

On-Duty Court Appearance Attire

Department members shall dress either in full uniform or appropriate business attire under the Department Manual of Policy and Procedures (MPP), Section 3-01/050.80, Grooming and Dress Standards.  Department members who elect to dress in full uniform shall wear/carry safety equipment as outlined in MPP section 3-03/070.40, Safety Equipment.  Any exception to this policy shall require prior approval from the member’s unit commander.

Off-Duty Court Appearance Attire

Department members attending any court proceeding without a subpoena may not appear in uniform.  Any exception to this policy shall require prior approval from the member’s unit commander (Refer to MPP section 3-03/030.10, Who Shall Wear Uniforms). 

All Court Appearances

Members appearing in court on Department business shall be punctual.

Without specific authorization from the concerned division chief or director, members shall not take part or interfere, either directly or indirectly, in negotiating or influencing any compromise or arrangement that permits a defendant to escape any aspect of the law.  Members shall not, because of a personal relationship with a defendant or because a defendant is a member of any law enforcement agency, seek favorable treatment for any defendant in any court proceeding.

This shall not prevent members from cooperating with the prosecuting attorney in the interest of justice.  A member who is the arresting or investigating officer may communicate about the merits of a case with the prosecuting attorney.

Members shall be properly prepared to testify in cases in which they are concerned. Upon prompt arrival at the designated court, they shall have reviewed the pertinent crime and arrest reports to adequately familiarize themselves with the case in preparation for testimony.  Whenever possible, members shall complete such reviews during their normally scheduled work hours before the court appearance.  They shall ensure that all property that is to be used in any court proceeding as evidence is available and present in court.

Members shall not be disruptive in court.  Behaviors such as audible laughter, audible conversations, and tobacco chewing are examples of disruptive behavior.  Members shall not chew gum while testifying in court.  They shall speak calmly and explicitly in a clear, distinct, and audible tone to be easily heard by the court and jury.

Members shall testify with the strictest accuracy, confining themselves to the case before the court.