5-04/180.95 - Destruction of Firearms

Firearms not held originally as evidence or no longer needed as evidence for which the owner is unknown, the owner cannot be contacted, or the owner does not wish to claim the property shall be disposed of by the Central Property custodian provided doing so does not violate the law or Department policy.

Investigating officer and lieutenant or designee approval, when appropriate, shall be recorded in PRELIMS by updating the STATUS of any firearm no longer needed as evidence to READY TO DISPOSE before the items can be destroyed.

Upon destruction, the Central Property custodian shall transfer the items in PRELIMS to a final disposition location of “Disposed from LASD” at which time the items STATUS is updated in PRELIMS to DISPOSED.

Any firearm approved for destruction may be acquired for Department use.  Only the Weapons Training Unit and the Scientific Services Bureau’s Firearms Section shall be allowed to acquire these firearms, provided appropriate approvals are received.  See section 5-04/180.96, Acquisition of Firearms, Firearm Parts/Accessories and Ammunition, from Central Property and Evidence.