3-01/030.13 - Relationships and Mentoring

The Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department believes our members are our most valuable investment and precious resource.

Our Department’s Core Values are intrinsic principles designed to underscore our belief that regardless of rank or position, our members are, first and foremost, leaders in our society.

As a community leader, our members assume a significant responsibility in protecting and serving the public.  Consequently, high standards and high expectations are placed upon the conduct of our members.  As a result, our members enjoy a considerable level of trust.  In order to remain beneficiaries of the public trust, we must balance the rights of our members with the responsibility to maintain the highest standards of professional and personal conduct.

As a leader in the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department, it is a fundamental responsibility of every Department executive, manager, and/or supervisor to take an active role in the performance of subordinates and develop ongoing strategies to enhance their professional performance.

The Department and its members have an affirmative duty and are mandated to intervene and report a situation where they observe a serious violation of Department policy in the professional performance of another member (or when a personal issue or behavior exposes the Department or the member to risk) when it is determined to be in the best interest of the member or the organization.  Examples are, but not limited to: hazing, bullying, or the use of derogatory language against another, etc.  It is the intuitive, empathetic, and courageous leader who is prepared to provide guidance, wisdom, and counsel to a colleague whose performance or behavior demonstrates the need for intervention.

Intervention can take many forms.  We are fortunate to have the services of a wide range of professionals who are ready to assist Department members.  Psychological Services Bureau (PSB), including the Chaplain Program, Peer Support Program, and Counseling and Consulting Services, provides the foundation for early intervention services.

The Performance Mentoring Program (PMP) is another proactive, early intervention program designed to enhance a member’s professional performance through guidance and supervision when it is determined the member may benefit from a more structured plan.  Supervisors and managers carefully monitor the employee’s progress to ensure they remain effective and productive members of the Department.

Skilled professionals are prepared to provide referrals to other resources as needed.  Members have an affirmative duty to avail themselves to any Department resource they believe would enhance their professional and/or personal development and their ability to meet the very highest standards expected of law enforcement professionals.