5-02/180.20 - Procedure for Diversion

Non-criminal offense/behavior

  • Deputy personnel may refer juvenile and parent/guardian to a diversion program with a Community Based Organization (CBO);
  • Youth Diversion Report Form (YDR) shall be completed and submitted to the Youth Diversion and Development Unit (YDD) via the station secretariat;
  • Detailed log entry is made, utilizing the clearance code of 826 – Juvenile Diversion (non-criminal), for statistical purposes; and
  • This referral is not tracked by the Department for completion of diversion.

Status offense truancy/incorrigible under 601 WIC

  • Check of juvenile’s criminal history/JAI/LARCIS system for prior diversion and referrals;
  • Youth and parent/guardian must agree to voluntary conditions of diversion; 
  • Advise the watch commander of the request for diversion;
  • An Incident Report and YDR shall be completed and submitted pursuant to Department policy;
  • Release youth to parents/guardian upon completing of the YDR;
  • Complete and submit all necessary forms for approval;
  • Assign case to the station detectives/juvenile detective who will arrange contact with juvenile and CBO; 
  • Detectives submits referral to YDD-funded CBO;
  • CBO provides proof of enrollment and progress updates to YDD and Department; and
  • Upon successful completion of the diversion program, detectives may clear the case using the Disposition Code 51B, Juvenile Diverted Successful/Complete, and may be recommended additional agency programs (i.e., VIDA).

Criminal offense under 602 WIC

  • Check of juvenile’s criminal history/JAI/LARCIS system for prior diversion and referrals, juvenile may not currently be in a diversion program;
  • Youth and parent/guardian must agree to voluntary conditions of diversion;  
  • Advise the watch commander of the request for diversion;
  • An Incident Report and YDR shall be completed and submitted pursuant to Department policy;
  • Release youth to parents/guardian upon completing of YDR;
  • Complete and submit all necessary forms for approval;
  • Assign case to the station detectives/juvenile detective who will arrange contact with juvenile and CBO; 
  • Detectives submits referral to YDD-funded CBO;
  • CBO provides proof of enrollment and progress updates to YDD and Department; and
  • Upon successful completion of the diversion program, detectives may clear the case using the Disposition Code 51B, Juvenile Diverted Successful/Complete, and may be recommended additional agency programs (i.e., VIDA).

Criminal offense under 625.3 WIC and 707(b) WIC

  • Youth is NOT eligible for diversion pursuant to 625.3 WIC (offenses listed in 707(b) WIC) or is on current diversion for the same violent offense; and
  • Juvenile is detained or cited and released to parents/guardian or transported to a juvenile detention facility.  Petition/case forwarded for filing.