5-02/020.05 - Juvenile Forms

Incident Report (SH-R-49)

An Incident Report shall be completed and given an URN in all cases where a juvenile is either detained, diverted, or released pending further investigation by detectives.

An Incident Report shall also be completed when a juvenile is the victim of child abuse or neglect.

Juvenile Information Form (SH-CR-265)

A yellow Juvenile Information Form (JIF), used by patrol only, is made in lieu of an Incident Report in all cases where the juvenile is not arrested and patrol deputies are able to handle to conclusion the following types of cases:

  • Petty theft by juveniles under 14 years of age;
  • Juveniles committing misdemeanors or infractions when no follow-up is required; and
  • Juveniles committing misdemeanors or infractions on a school campus, that requires no follow-up, shall require an URN number.

This information form is utilized for informal handling of juveniles by patrol deputies.  It shall not be used where evidence is held or follow-up is necessary.  In cases involving Part I or Part II Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) crimes, a Case Clearance Supplementary Report form, template, or stamp including the information required by manual section 4-01/020.40 must be used to reflect the circumstances involving the inactivation of cases originally reported on a JIF.

All spaces on the JIF must be properly filled in and a brief report made on the back of the form by the patrol deputy.  The Not Arrested and Disposition sections of the form have been preprinted with an "X" and "Counseled and Released," respectively, which means "handled within the Department, action suspended."

When more than one juvenile is involved in a case, a JIF shall be made for each juvenile and all of the forms for the case stapled together.  The type of case and the number of juveniles handled shall be indicated in the upper left-hand corner of the first form, e.g., PETTY THEFT - 3 subjects.  No URN is needed.

The JIF shall be reviewed by the patrol sergeant and forwarded to the station/unit detective commander.  The station/unit detective commander shall review the forms and submit them to the secretary for input to the Juvenile Automated Index (JAI).

If the station/unit detective commander feels that further action is necessary, he shall have the patrol deputy submitting the JIF initiate an Incident Report.

Juvenile Information Form (SH-CR-192W)

A white Juvenile Information Form (JIF) is utilized by investigating detectives in disposing of cases where a petition request is not submitted.  All spaces on the form must be properly filled in and the URN of the Incident Report included.

The arrest section shall be checked "yes" when:

  • The juvenile is identified as the person responsible in the crime report; and/or
  • The juvenile is detained and an Incident Report is made.

The arrest section shall be checked "no" when the juvenile is handled informally for violating a law for some other situation but has not been named as responsible in the Incident Report.

The repeater section shall be checked "yes" if the subject admits to a prior arrest or a record of the subject being handled by another agency exists; otherwise, check "no."

The Juvenile Automated Index (JAI) shall be updated with disposition information in a timely manner.

Juvenile Petition Request and Affidavit (SH-CR-366)

In order to bring a juvenile before the juvenile court for a criminal or dependency matter, a juvenile petition request and affidavit shall be completed and included with the necessary reports.  (Refer to section 5-02/050.15, Juvenile Petition Requests - Preparation.)