3-07/250.00 - LASD User Authorization and Acknowledgment of Policies and Guidelines

Authorized persons will be responsible for reading and signing the Sheriff’s Department "User Acknowledgment of Electronic Communications Policy" form annually. 

User Acknowledgment of Electronic Communications Policy

I understand that the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department requires each user, who has access to automated data communications, be responsible for adhering to its electronic communications policy sections as set forth in the Manual of Policy and Procedures, section 3‑07/200.10, through section 3‑07/250.00, inclusive.  I acknowledge I have access to and have reviewed these sections of the Manual of Policy and Procedures.

I understand that I must not have an expectation of privacy when using County electronic communications and acknowledge that my electronic communications may be monitored at any time by authorized employees.

By signing this form, I agree to abide by all policies, including State statutes relating to electronic communications and use of information, and understand that I will be held accountable for my actions and that disciplinary actions may result from not abiding by these policies.  I also agree to give authorized persons, including supervisors, auditors, and investigators access to Department equipment, software, and files at reasonable times for the purposes of investigating compliance.