5-09/530.10 - Recording Admonishment to Witness and Arrays

Witness admonishments regarding the photo array process, as well as the actual witness viewing and making comments about the array, shall be audio and video recorded unless it is not practical to do so.  Whenever an admonishment or procedure is only audio recorded, the deputy shall document the reason(s) why video recording was not used.  Whenever an admonishment or procedure is not recorded at all, the deputy shall advise their supervisor of the reason(s) for not doing so and document in writing the reason(s) and the name of the supervisor who was advised.  All photo arrays, witness admonishments, and photo array procedure recordings shall be retained as a permanent part of the investigation and disclosed as required by law.  The audio and/or video recording requirement does not apply to field show‑up or field identification procedures, although it is encouraged.