5-03/200.06 - Handling Property of Inmates in Transit

The sealed plastic property bags containing the property and money of inmates being transferred directly to Inmate Reception Center (IRC) or Century Regional Detention Center (CRDF) from sheriff stations and court lock-ups shall be secured in padlocked and numbered canvas property bags while in transit. The canvas property bags will be supplied to units by Court Services Transportation Bureau as needed.  Empty bags shall not be stored or stockpiled at sheriff's facilities.

Inmate Reception Center shall coordinate distribution of lockable canvas property bags and shall be responsible for their replacement and repair.

Department personnel responsible for the transfer of inmate property and money (i.e., station jailers, court lock-up deputies, etc.) shall place the sealed plastic property bags of the inmates being transported into lockable canvas bags and lock them at the time of transfer.  The locked canvas property bags shall be transferred to Court Services Transportation Bureau personnel and transported with the inmates to IRC or CRDF.  To ensure the security of the contents of the locked canvas property bags, only specified IRC and CRDF personnel shall possess property bag padlock keys.

Property and money of inmates being transferred from stations or from outside agencies directly to court shall not be locked into canvas property bags and shall be handled separately from that of inmates being transferred to IRC or CRDF.

When transporting prisoners for outside agencies directly to IRC or CRDF, Court Services Transportation Bureau personnel shall handle property in the following manner:

  • Los Angeles Police Department inmate property and money shall be secured in the lockable metal boxes provided by that agency; and
  • Other outside agency inmate property and money shall be secured in padlocked canvas property bags.

Sheriff's lockable canvas property bags shall not be left at outside agency facilities.

Court Services Transportation Bureau personnel shall identify the padlocked canvas property bag into which an inmate's property was placed by noting the bag number in the appropriate section of the corresponding transportation transmittal.

When a prisoner is transferred to another agency, all his property and money shall be released to that agency.

When inmate workers are returned to IRC for any reason, all property accumulated during their sentence shall be packaged before their release to Court Services Transportation Bureau personnel.