2-10/010.02 - Technology Approval and Governance Board

The Technology Approval and Governance Board (TAGB) is comprised of the Sheriff, Undersheriff, and assistant sheriffs.  The Chief Information Officer [Technology and Support Division (TSD) chief] will serve as the executive director to the board.   

The TAGB shall provide oversight of information technology investments by evaluating and approving proposed actions related to information technology (IT) risk, investment, and prioritization of projects and services. This board will deliver business value by aligning IT initiatives and operations to the current and future strategic objectives of the Department.

Additionally, this oversight ensures business units are effectively supported and have the technology they need to enable their goals.

Goals and responsibilities of the board are:

  • To foster collaboration through shared accountability for IT investment, project, risk, and service decisions and performance;
  • To foster IT success through shared accountability and established processes;
  • To align funding and resource allocation through prioritization of IT projects in-line with the Department’s strategic plan;
  • To encourage continuous improvement of IT service performance and strategic use of IT by the Department;
  • To establish Department-wide IT priorities, including new development and on-going maintenance;
  • To facilitate collaboration among divisions with closely aligned requirements to ensure synergies and cost savings;
  • To work in concert with the Chief Information Officer to determine feasibility and impact of IT initiatives to existing Department operations;
  • To communicate directions or decisions throughout the organization;
  • To evaluate the IT governance process at the end of each year to determine if changes are needed; and
  • To approve the allocation of financial and personnel resources to support IT.

Goals and responsibilities of the executive director are:

  • To advise TAGB on the long-term technology strategic plan and ensure alignment with business strategic goals; 
  • To provide cost analysis and long-term sustainability of IT investments reports for TAGB approval; 
  • To provide technology project portfolio to TAGB for approval and prioritization; and
  • To make recommendations on project approach, direct on effective resource management, and seek approval for funding and prioritization.