5-01/070.05 - Recovered-Impounded Vehicle Notification

When a station or unit recovers and impounds a vehicle for which it filed the stolen vehicle report, it shall be responsible for:

  • Verbally notifying the registered and/or legal owner, either by telephone, or in person, of the impound, the condition of the vehicle, and the instructions for obtaining release of the vehicle;
  • Recording the fact of the verbal notification on the unit copy of the CHP-180 form; and
  • Mailing, not later than the next working day, a written notification and a Notice of Right to Hearing to the registered and legal owners.

When a station/unit locates and impounds a vehicle for which another unit or agency filed the stolen vehicle report, the seizing unit shall be responsible for mailing, not later than the next working day, a written notification and a Notice of Right to Hearing to the registered and legal owners.

When a station/unit receives notification that a vehicle for which it filed a stolen vehicle report has been recovered and impounded, the investigating detective shall be responsible for providing verbal notification to the registered and/or legal owner.  If the investigating detective is not immediately available, it shall be the responsibility of the station/unit watch deputy to make this verbal notification, and the detective shall be responsible for verifying the notification.

In all cases involving trucks/tractors, commercial trailers, construction equipment, or any vehicle having a TRAP and/or Cargo Cats assignment, notify TRAP and/or Cargo Cats of the recovery and disposition of the vehicle.

For procedures regarding recovered vehicles see section 5-01/100.00 and for impounded vehicles, see section 5-01/060.10.