2-04/060.00 - Internal Criminal Investigations Bureau

This bureau reports to the Sheriff and Undersheriff, and is responsible for the investigation of allegations of criminal misconduct by members of this Department when the offense is committed within the policing jurisdiction of the Sheriff.  In order to ensure consistency in the investigations, the following policy shall be adhered to:


Sworn Personnel

Allegations of criminal misconduct, felony or misdemeanor, committed within the policing jurisdiction of the Sheriff, shall be investigated by the Internal Criminal Investigations Bureau.  When on-duty personnel commit a criminal offense in another jurisdiction, the Internal Criminal Investigations Bureau will contact the concerned policing agency, and a decision will be made as to who will handle the investigation.

EXCEPTION:            Cases that require special expertise such as homicide, arson, child abuse, etc.

Professional Staff

Allegations of criminal misconduct that would be classified as a felony or misdemeanor, committed within the policing jurisdiction of the Sheriff, may be investigated by the Internal Criminal Investigations Bureau.  After the Internal Criminal Investigations Bureau reviews the circumstances, they may opt to have the reporting unit conduct the investigation.

EXCEPTION:            Cases that require special expertise such as homicide, arson, child abuse, etc.


Sworn Personnel

Allegations of criminal misconduct that would be classified as a felony that occur in Sheriff’s jurisdiction shall be handled by the Internal Criminal Investigations Bureau.  Allegations of criminal misconduct that would be classified as a misdemeanor that occur in Sheriff’s jurisdiction may be conducted by the Internal Criminal Investigations Bureau or the reporting unit.  The determination as to who will conduct the investigation will be made based on the particular nature of the event.

EXCEPTION:            Cases that require special expertise such as homicide, arson, child abuse, etc.

Professional Staff

Allegations of criminal misconduct shall be investigated by the unit that has jurisdiction of the event.  If criminal misconduct was committed in Sheriff’s jurisdiction and there is a substantial conflict of interest with the Sheriff’s unit conducting the investigation, the Internal Criminal Investigations Bureau will conduct the investigation.


Sworn/Professional Staff

Allegations of criminal misconduct are investigated by the policing agency having jurisdiction.  If that agency requests that this Department handle the investigation, depending on the type of crime, a determination will be made as to who will handle the investigation.

All unit commanders shall make immediate notification to the Internal Affairs Bureau so that complete investigative monitoring can be conducted and, if warranted, timely prosecutions can be made.

Any request for a criminal investigation which is denied by the unit commander of the Internal Criminal Investigations Bureau will require notification to the Sheriff or Undersheriff.  The Sheriff or Undersheriff will make the determination on how to proceed.  It is the responsibility of the unit commander of the Internal Criminal Investigations Bureau to notify the unit commander of the requesting unit of assignment, in writing, when a request for a criminal investigation is denied.