2-11/100.00 - Muslim Community Affairs Unit

The Muslim Community Affairs (MCA) Unit’s mission is to build a stronger relationship with the Muslim community for better understanding and cooperation with law enforcement.  The MCA Unit and the outreach program consist of six components:

Relationships – Building relationships with the mosques, Islamic centers, Imams, and community leaders throughout Los Angeles County and the surrounding counties in southern California.

Youth Programs – A Young Muslim American Leaders Advisory Council (Young-MALAC) was developed and meets on a monthly basis for the purpose of education and to provide input on policy changes and issues of concern to youth and young adults.  Some of the activities for the Young-MALAC include, but are not limited to; jail tours, patrol ride alongs, and visits to their local Sheriff’s station.

Education – Seminars and training sessions are held in mosques, community halls, and Islamic schools on various topics such as domestic violence, identity theft, hate crimes, and terrorism.  In addition, Department and outside agency recruits receive a two hour class (Law Enforcement Interaction with the Muslim Community) as part of the cultural awareness and sensitivity training program during their academy training.  The program teaches recruits Islamic culture, customs, and beliefs to facilitate our Department’s core values.  An eight hour California POST approved Countering Violent Extremists class is also facilitated by the MCA staff.

Coordination – An outreach coordinator’s group consists of representatives from local (LAPD, Office of Human Relations), state, and federal (Department of Homeland Security, United States Citizen and Immigration Services) agencies.  The main objective of the outreach coordinator’s group is to coordinate activities and events.  The group meets monthly to coordinate efforts of outreach.

Custody Outreach – This Muslim community outreach program further embraces the Department’s mission of public trust policing by tending to and addressing inmate’s needs and issues in our jails.

International Diplomacy – In an effort to gain understanding and exchange best practices, the MCA unit has experiences with officials from more than 40 different countries, either by visiting their countries or by their police officials meeting with the MCA unit in Los Angeles County.