2-11/070.20 - Sheriff's Intelligence Unit

The responsibilities of the Sheriff’s Intelligence Unit (SIU) include:

  • Identify and assess emerging threats involving terrorist and/or criminal activity for the purposes of mitigating and disrupting those threats;
  • Identify and assess emerging and ongoing cyber threats;
  • Analyze, process, and disseminate strategic and tactical intelligence to support ongoing or projected operations, unfolding events, and intelligence investigations;
  • Provide intelligence to Department executives and command staff for situational awareness, decision-making, response, and mitigation efforts;
  • Develop sources and informants to provide information about terrorist/criminal organizations and their activity;
  • Liaison with local, state, and federal agencies;
  • Participate in the FBI Joint Terrorism Task Forces (JTTF) and other task forces related to homeland security;
  • Hate Crimes Coordinator;
  • Crime Stoppers; and
  • Interpol Liaison.