2-11/040.05 - Tactical Planning Unit

The responsibilities of the Tactical Planning Unit includes:

  • Strategic planning for emergencies;
  • Tactical planning for major Departmental events and governmental entities;
  • Inspection of the emergency management capabilities of stations, facilities and bureaus;
  • Maintenance, training, and sustainment of Sheriff’s Emergency Operations Center (SEOC) teams;
  • Maintenance, training, and sustainment of County Emergency Operations Center (CEOC) teams;
  • Maintenance, training, and sustainment of Departmental Incident Management Teams (IMT);
  • Development, presentation, and coordination of disaster preparedness training and exercises for the Department and other governmental entities;
  • Assisting and coordinating disaster preparedness planning with Mutual Aid Region I Law Enforcement Agencies on behalf of the Sheriff;
  • Maintaining liaison and coordinating disaster preparedness plans with federal, state, County, and local governments;
  • Attending conferences and serving on committees relating to disaster preparedness planning as a representative of the Sheriff;
  • Coordinate out-of-county search and rescue team requests from CalIOES;
  • Maintaining, staffing, and operating all field command posts and support equipment;
  • Training of selected Departmental personnel in the operation of field command post equipment;
  • Maintaining a file of operations plans made by all units within the Department;
  • Collecting and maintaining information on civil disorder incidents, nationwide, especially those that may result in police attention, i.e., rock concerts; parades; sporting events; protest demonstrations; events that may attract large numbers of people where alcohol may be consumed, or may attract large numbers of street gang members; events that in the past have caused problems for law enforcement; job actions or strikes where problems are anticipated; any event for which significant Departmental response is anticipated;
  • Gather and evaluate information concerning the many aspects of labor-management relations and disputes in an atmosphere of strict neutrality and confidence;
  • Maintain close liaison with union officials, management personnel, government labor relations units and federal, state, County and municipal labor law enforcement officials prior to and during the course of a strike or labor dispute; and
  • Respond to strike scenes to render services as needed.