7-02/020.00 - Emergency Operations Call Identifiers

The following designations will be used by personnel, units and equipment activated for an emergency operation.

Command Post

During emergency operations, the focal point for command and communications shall be referred to as the "Command Post."


All command personnel will use their normal call identifiers.  This will vary only during major preplanned operations during which call identifiers may be used to define specific lines of authority and responsibility to various elements or functions of the operation.

Platoon Operations

Platoon call identifiers will be in the 700 series.  The station designator will be incorporated in the 700 number, depending on the origin of the platoon or platoon commander.  The last two digits indicate station/unit number (701 thru 718).  However, Century Station and Marina del Rey Station will use the first two digits of the station's call numbers.  (e.g., 721-Century Station, 727-Marina del Rey Station).  Refer to Emergency Operations Procedure (EOP) 3-7, "Platoon Organization and Table of Equipment."

Preplanned Operations

Personnel planning upcoming operations may develop a series of call identifiers such as color designators which serve to identify elements of the operation.


The 400 series is reserved for training exercises.  Any unit involved in a training exercise using radio transmissions shall use the 400 series to avoid accidental responses by operational units.


The Sheriff’s Communication Center watch commander shall be advised of any Department mobilization, preplanned event, training operation, or any other operation using specialized call identifiers which might impact the Department's communication system in any manner.