5-09/520.25 - Logging Field Activities

All significant public contacts and activity shall be appropriately logged on the Mobile Digital Computer’s Deputy’s Daily Work Sheet (DDWS).  The Mobile Digital Computer’s DDWS logs shall contain only accurate information including, but not limited to, the race of each individual detained or searched, the result of the stop, and the date, time, and location of the stop.

For the purposes of this policy, “significant public contacts and activity” are defined as:

  • Calls for service;
  • Self-initiated activity that results in arrest or citation;
  • Self-initiated activity that is enforcement/investigative in nature but does not result in arrest or citation; and/or
  • Self-initiated activity which is not enforcement/investigative in nature but results in Department personnel taking some form of constructive action, e.g., requesting a tow truck for a stranded motorist.

Each field incident shall be logged separately with its own unique “Tag” number.  Deputies shall not log multiple unconnected incidents or traffic stops under a single “Tag” number.  Multiple citations or activities resulting from the same traffic stop or incident shall be logged under the same “Tag” number.  These concepts are equally applicable to vehicle, pedestrian, and bicycle stop contacts.