5-09/470.05 - Homicide and Deputy Involved Shooting Scene Containment

At the scene of a homicide, or a Deputy involved shooting, the first Deputy to arrive shall initiate a Major Incident Log (SH-CR-620).

Only persons authorized by Homicide Bureau shall be permitted to enter a crime/shooting scene containment.

The handling Deputy shall be responsible for maintaining scene integrity and keeping unauthorized persons out of a crime/shooting scene containment.

The reasons for entering the crime/shooting scene containment, and the name of the person authorizing entry, shall be written on the Major Incident Log.

All persons entering a crime/shooting scene containment or persons known to have been at a scene prior to containment, regardless of their rank or reason for entering, shall be identified on the Major Incident Log.  The Major Incident Log shall be attached to the first report and remain a permanent part of that file.