5-09/380.15 - Application Processing

Reserve Deputies

Reserve Deputy personnel shall direct their concealed weapon permit requests to Reserve Forces Bureau for processing.

All Other Applicants

All other applicants shall complete the Department's Concealed Weapon License Application and return it to any Station, the concerned Assistant Sheriff, or Undersheriff.  If returned to a Station, the concerned Station shall forward the application to the Undersheriff or the concerned Assistant Sheriff.

Applicants must specifically state under the section entitled "Reason for Desiring License" those circumstances which present convincing evidence.  (See first dashed item of preceding section 5-09/380.10.)

Additionally, the applicant must show proof of residence by some type of approved, recognized identification card, and at least one cancelled item bearing United States postage.

The following procedure shall be adhered to upon accepting the application:

  • All completed applications and reproductions of the proof of residence will be submitted to the Undersheriff or the concerned Assistant Sheriff.  Each application will be reviewed and either approved for further processing or disapproved by the Sheriff or his designated representative; and
  • Reserve Forces Bureau, the concerned Assistant Sheriff, or the Undersheriff will notify the applicant of the Sheriff's action, by mail.

At the time of this appointment, the applicant must show proof of completion of a state-approved, firearms training course, or alternate proof of firearms proficiency.  A reproduction of this document shall be attached to the application.

Additionally, the applicant will complete the California State application form for a Concealed Weapon License, Bureau of Identification (form BID-7), deposit a non-refundable fee of $10.00 for Department processing, in addition to such fees required by the State Department of Justice and submit to fingerprinting and photographing.

No license will be issued until the CII check is returned.

  • A photograph of the applicant may be affixed to license at time of issuance (optional);
  • The Bureau of Identification (form BID-7) and Department of Justice fee will be submitted by the Department for CII processing; and
  • Once the Department of Justice has processed the application and a CII history sheet attesting to the applicant's good character have been returned to the office of the Undersheriff or concerned Assistant Sheriff the Department will notify the applicant of the final disposition.

Evidence of past criminal history will be grounds for an automatic disapproval of a concealed weapon license. 

When appropriate, the applicant will be notified to contact the Undersheriff or concerned Assistant Sheriff for an appointment to obtain the license.

  • The Undersheriff or concerned Assistant Sheriff shall prepare the appropriate State license form for signature by the Sheriff or his designee.  The date of issuance shall be set for the day upon which the applicant can respond to the office of the Undersheriff, the office of the concerned Assistant Sheriff or Reserve Forces Bureau to obtain the license; and
  • Distribution of the three-part BCII 4501 form shall be as follows:
    • White original to licensee;
    • Yellow copy to CII; and
    • Pink copy to be retained by the Undersheriff’s office, the concerned Assistant Sheriff’s office, or Reserve Forces Bureau.