5-09/340.05 - Reporting Procedure

Unit Commanders will, upon receipt of a member's memorandum of information from any other reliable source which relates either of the above situations, initiate correspondence (SH-AD-32A) to their respective Division Chief with specific recommendations for appropriate action.

Recommendations from outside source reports should be preceded with an examination for authenticity.

When reporting the circumstances of the incident, the Unit Commander shall indicate which one of the following types of recognition would be appropriate:

  • Letters of commendation signed by:
    • Unit Commander;
    • Division Chief or Division Director;
    • Assistant Sheriff; or
    • Sheriff;
  • Personal presentations of letter and Distinguished Service Certificate by the Sheriff.

When the Division Chief is in agreement with the Unit Commander and endorses the stated commendation, he shall forward the correspondence to the Sheriff for approval.  Where appropriate, the Division Chief may elect to return the recommendations to the Unit Commander for other action.