5-09/265.60 - Accidental Bites by Canines

Units deploying canines are responsible for maintaining internal protocols and procedures for handling accidental bite incidents and follow-up investigations.

In the event of an accidental bite, the following procedures should generally be adhered to:

Handler Deputy

  • Immediately render and/or arrange for first aid for the person receiving the bite.
  • Immediately notify a supervisor and his/her canine unit supervisor.
  • Arrange for all witnesses to be identified.
  • Stay at the scene until relieved by a supervisor.

On-Scene Supervisor

  • Ensure the person bitten receives necessary first aid.
  • Ensure all necessary notifications have been made.
  • Videotape and/or photograph the scene, the injuries, and all witnesses that may leave prior to the canine unit sergeant’s arrival.

Canine Unit Supervisor

  • Ensure all necessary first aid has been rendered.
  • Ensure all notifications have been made.
  • Take over and assume responsibility for the investigation.
  • Complete all necessary reports.
  • Interview all witnesses.

Notifications, as appropriate, should generally be made to the on-duty watch commander of the jurisdiction within which the bite occurred, the unit commander with whom the canine is assigned, Risk Management Bureau, Internal Affairs Bureau, and Sheriff’s Information Bureau if it is a newsworthy incident.