5-09/265.45 - Storage and Transportation of Explosive Training Aids

Any unit desiring to obtain and/or purchase any explosive training aids shall make prior notification to the Arson Explosives Detail (AED).

All explosives training aids shall be stored and/or transported in containers that are constructed in accordance with the specifications outlined in the Code of Federal Regulations, 27CFR, Part 555, Subpart K.

AED shall be the only unit authorized to store Homemade Explosives (HME). If any unit requires HME for training purposes, they must contact AED to make arrangements for their delivery and use.

Explosives used as training aids should not be stored in any Department and/or personal vehicle overnight.

Any unit storing explosive training aids will be required to submit a quarterly inspection sheet to AED.

Once a year, units will be required to contact AED to inspect the explosives and explosives containers located at each unit to ensure they are still in compliance with this policy.

EXCEPTION:  Explosive wrappers, empty containers, residue bags, and scent pads are not considered explosives and do not fall under the guidelines of this section.