5-09/265.05 - Canine Detection Program Requirements

The type of scent/detection canine requested, acquired, and utilized will determine which bureau within the Department shall have operational control over the selection of canines, the issuance of training aids, approval of canine training programs, certification requirements, training records, and maintenance of formal canine documents.

Each bureau, detail, or station with a detection canine team/program shall have written unit orders relating to all areas of their canine operation. The Special Enforcement Bureau - Arson Explosives Detail, Narcotics Bureau, and County Services Bureau will set the standard with each of their unit orders as it relates to their specific type of detection. Bureaus/units utilizing the same types of detection canines will be required to adhere to the unit orders of those units. This does not preclude them from creating orders specific to their daily activities, additional training, deployment, documentation, etc. These additional orders should not contradict the specific orders created by each of the bureaus.

More specifically, each of the three primary entities tasked with operational control over all Department canines have the specific areas of responsibilities listed in their unit orders below:

  • Scent detection canines for arson and explosive related materials will be coordinated through the Special Operations Division, the Special Enforcement Bureau - Arson Explosives Detail, Canine Unit (refer to Arson Explosives Detail Unit Orders): 
    • Duty Areas and Job Activities
    • Responsibilities
    • Canine Training and Certification
    • Canine Deployments
    • Canine Care and Maintenance
    • Cal Card
    • Canine Retirement
    • Other LASD Explosive Detection Canines
  • Scent detection canines for narcotics and firearms will be coordinated through Detective Division, Narcotics Bureau, Canine Unit (refer to Narcotics Bureau Unit Orders):
    • Canine Program Coordinator
    • Canine Program Supervisor
    • Canine Training Cadre
    • Canine Handlers
    • Supervision of Detection Canine Teams
    • Canine Program Activity Reporting
    • Canine Program Expenditure Reporting
    • Canine Program Equipment
    • Procedure of Obtaining Narcotics Substances for Training Aids
    • Procedure of Obtaining Firearms for Training Aids
    • Procedure for Maintenance and Security of Narcotic Training Aids
    • Procedure for Maintenance and Security of Firearms Training Aids
    • Canine Program Pre-Service Training Requirements for Narcotics
    • Canine Program Pre-Service Training Requirements for Firearms
    • Canine Program In-Service Training
    • Canine Program Selection Criteria for Dogs
    • Procedures for Accidental Bites
  • Scent detection for human scent tracking and trailing will be coordinated through Countywide Services Division, County Services Bureau, Canine Unit (refer to County Services Bureau Unit Orders):
    • Human Scent Tracking Duties and Responsibilities
    • Bloodhound (Purebred) Section Criteria
    • Bloodhound Team Training
    • National Bloodhound Training Requirements
    • Training Records
    • Multi-Agency Training
    • Mutual-Aid Request
    •  Bloodhound Team Deployment Authorization
    • Team Deployment Records
    • Bloodhound Team Equipment
    • Health and Maintenance of Bloodhound
    • Cal Card Responsibilities
    • Vehicle Care and Maintenance
    • Supervisors Duties and Responsibilities

The Special Enforcement Bureau - Canine Services Detail may also acquire, maintain, and utilize tracking and trailing canines at their own discretion. Additionally, the Special Enforcement Bureau - Canine Services Detail is the only unit authorized to acquire, train, and deploy detection canines specifically used to apprehend potentially dangerous or violent suspects by means which may include biting them. (Refer to MPP section 5-09/265.10, Special Enforcement Bureau Tactical Canine Deployment.)