5-09/220.20 - Notifications/Reporting

When death, injury or property damage is caused as the result of a Code 3 response, the Station/Unit Watch Commander shall immediately notify the Unit Commander and the appropriate Duty Commander and shall order photographs of the scene.

Traffic Services Detail shall be notified immediately of all collisions which result from a pursuit.  Traffic Services Detail will evaluate and determine the need for response as appropriate.

When a traffic collision occurs as a result of any pursuit or Code 3 response, whether or not a County vehicle is involved, which causes death, any injury (including complaint of pain), or major property damage, the Station/Unit Watch Commander shall immediately notify the on-call Internal Affairs Bureau Lieutenant who will notify the Traffic Services Detail.

When death, serious injuries or major property damage is caused as the result of a Code 3 response, the Commander shall make an immediate investigation of the incident and shall report his findings to the Chief of the concerned Division.

Deputy personnel involved in the incident shall complete and submit forms and reports as required by Department policy.  Pertinent information not set forth in such reports shall be reported via a SH-AD-32A addressed to the Unit Commander.  If the Deputy is physically unable to comply, he should be interviewed by his immediate supervisor as soon as possible.