5-09/200.00 - Emergency Driving Policies

It is the policy of this Department to perform all Code 3 responses in accordance with applicable laws, utilizing red light and sounding a siren, as may be reasonably necessary, with due regard for the safety of all persons using the highway.  The safety of all persons and the exemption of the County and its employees from civil and criminal liability are considerations that demand responsible and controlled Code 3 responses at all times.  All personnel involved in emergency driving or Code 3 operations shall never abdicate their responsibility to continuously evaluate the necessity for initiating and continuing Code 3 operations.  The necessity for self-discipline and accountability for decisions is paramount to the safety of the community and Deputy personnel.  Code 3 responses include pursuits as well as all other types of Code 3 operations resulting from dispatched information or request/information from other units.  Self-initiated activity which does not constitute a pursuit (5-09/210.00), such as a Deputy initiating a traffic stop, is not considered a Code 3 response.

Code 3 operations, initiated solely for training purposes (e.g. response drills, pursuit driving) are strictly prohibited on public streets or any other area accessible to the public.  Nothing in this policy is intended to place this restriction upon the Department’s Emergency Vehicle Operations Center (EVOC).

This policy shall not be altered by substitutions or additions by Unit-level directives.