5-09/120.20 - Child - Critical (Phase II)

The assigned Station/Unit Detective shall start or continue a special log, check with Juvenile Automated Index regarding the prior record on the child and send additional JDIC broadcasts if necessary.  The detective shall assume functional supervision of the investigation and make an early determination of the following:

  • Indication of an accident;
  • Possibility of a routine runaway;
  • Possibility child is in the custody of an estranged parent or agent of parent (family abduction); and
  • Indication of foul play or homicide (the nature of which is assignable to Homicide Bureau).

The Station/Unit Detective Commander will determine the urgency of the situation, the scope of the search and estimate the manpower needs.  Phase III will be initiated unless it is clear from the facts at the time that such an effort would be of no avail.

In an accident case and where search or rescue operations are an issue, the primary case assignment shall be to Station/Unit Detectives with concurrent assignment to patrol.  This includes cases where the use of emergency personnel or equipment may be needed.  (See the Emergency and Disaster Chapter for field search or rescue operations responsibility and procedures.)  Notify the Unit Commander immediately.

In all cases other than homicide or kidnapping, assign to Station/Unit Detectives.

In cases of known foul play or homicide, the primary case assignment shall be to Homicide Bureau with concurrent assignment to Station/Unit Detectives.  The assigned Station/Unit Detective shall immediately notify the Homicide Bureau.

The Unit Commander should alert his superior officers and others whose assistance may be needed, including the Sheriff’s Headquarters Bureau.