5-09/110.05 - Environmental Impact Reports Guidelines and Procedures

Law Enforcement Responsibility

The Department is obligated by law to review new construction and other community developments requiring Environmental Impact Reports (EIR). Beneficial improvements as well as detrimental aspects of a proposal can be evaluated. This opportunity to identify potential hazards and situations having a causative effect on crime may allow them to be mitigated through the review process.

Departmental Procedures

Environmental Impact Reports are an important phase of crime prevention, therefore, unbiased Departmental responses shall be based on facts, crime statistics, and community needs for law enforcement services. The Department’s Environmental Impact Reports, Review Procedures and Guidelines Booklet details the EIR process and provides necessary guidelines for report preparation. Inquiring agencies usually request a response within 30 days, therefore it is imperative that reports be processed promptly.

The following steps shall be followed when formal requests for comment are received.

  1. Requests received by Patrol Stations shall be logged upon receipt;
  2. Other Departmental units sometimes receive requests. They shall be forwarded to the appropriate Station;
  3. Station personnel shall review the proposal and either recommend changes in the project or recommend approval of the proposal as submitted;
  4. The Station Commander shall have a response prepared and sent to the requesting party; and
  5. A comment filing system shall be maintained by each Station. The filing system shall contain at least the following information:
    • Station;
    • Project number;
    • Date received;
    • Project name;
    • Project description;
    • Project contact;
    • Assignment to;
    • Department/location;
    • Date completed/returned; and
    • Disposition.