5-09/100.00 - Strike Reports

Incidents regarding labor disputes or strikes coming to the attention of deputies in the field shall be reported on the Labor Dispute Complaint Report (Form SH-CR-531). Information relative to the status of any negotiations, or the intent of management with regard to continuing operations during the dispute, should be included in the narrative.

Reports originating in the field by patrol deputies or by the Emergency Operations Bureau (EOB), Industrial Relations Detail representative shall be promptly submitted to the station/unit having jurisdiction. The desk sergeant shall review and send copies to their respective division headquarters and to EOB, Industrial Relations Detail.

Standard station/unit reporting procedures including an original URN shall be used to report and process all strike-related crimes; the designated strike URN shall be referenced in the crime report.

Supplemental reports using the designated strike URN shall be used to report noncriminal strike-related activities and incidents.

The EOB, Industrial Relations Detail shall be notified immediately after strike-related arrests are made. A copy of all strike-related crime reports shall be mailed to the EOB, Industrial Relations Detail.