5-09/090.10 - Movement of Deceased Persons - Non-Coroner's Cases

In the instance of an apparent natural death, unattended by a physician, where the victim was seen by a doctor within 20 days prior to his death and the doctor states to the Deputy that he will sign the death certificate, notification to or inquiry by the Coroner concerning such death is not required.

In these non-Coroner's cases where the location of the body creates an untenable situation, e.g., the body is in a location open to family or public view which cannot be closed off or the family removed, then the body may be moved to the nearest available secluded location pending the arrival of the mortuary. Notification to Homicide Bureau and approval by the Coroner is not necessary.

If there is any question as to whether or not the death requires an inquiry by the Coroner, the Deputy shall advise Homicide Bureau of the situation. The Coroner will be notified by Homicide Bureau of the death and all known attendant circumstances and details. The Coroner will then determine if the death requires an inquiry pursuant to Government Code Section 27491.