5-09/090.00 - Dead Bodies - Homicides, Suicides, Accidental and Natural

In cases involving homicide, suicide, or accidental death, the handling Deputy shall be responsible for the following:

  • Arrest the perpetrator, if known and present;
  • Protect the scene;
  • Collect all available information relating to the incident;
  • Notify the Station/Unit Watch Commander;
  • Immediately notify Homicide Bureau, via telephone or radio (telephone preferably), furnishing all available information and take such action as Homicide may request;
  • If death is a result of an aircraft accident, immediately notify Aero Bureau via telephone or radio (telephone preferably), furnishing all available information and take such action as Aero Bureau may request;
  • Immediately notify Station/Unit traffic supervisor of traffic collision and immediately notify the Traffic Services Detail if the traffic collision involves Department personnel;
  • Identify, separate and detain all witnesses;
    • If unable to detain, determine where, when and how witnesses may be contacted by detectives;
  • Identify the deceased, provided this can be done without disturbing the body;
    • Name, age, race, sex, occupation, marital status, next-of-kin; and
    • Determine if the next-of-kin has been notified.

The notification of next-of-kin shall be the responsibility of the Homicide Bureau. In apparent natural death cases, the handling Field Deputy should immediately determine, when possible, the deceased's physical condition prior to death and whether or not the deceased was under a physician's care within the last 60 days. Based upon the information obtained, the handling Field Deputy shall proceed as follows:

Deceased Attended by a Physician Within the Last 1-20 Days Inclusive

  • If, within 20 days of his death, the deceased was under a physician's care, contact the physician and determine if he can and will sign the death certificate;
  • If the deceased's physician will sign the death certificate, determine the mortuary preference from the next-of-kin and expedite the release of the body to the mortuary; and
  • If the physician will not or cannot sign the death certificate, notify the Homicide Bureau and furnish all available information, including a mortuary preference. If there is no mortuary preference by the next-of-kin, the Coroner, upon contact by the Homicide Bureau, will designate a mortuary.

Deceased Attended by a Physician Within the Last 21-60 Days Inclusive

  • If, within 21-60 days of his death, the deceased was under a physician's care, determine the attending physician's name, phone number, and the date he last saw the deceased. The handling Field Deputy should not spend an unreasonable period of time in attempting to identify the attending physician. If the information is not immediately available at the location, proceed with the incident as a regular Coroner's case;
  • Determine the mortuary preference from the next-of-kin, notify the Homicide Bureau and expedite the release of the body to the mortuary;
  • If there is no mortuary preference by the next-of-kin, the Coroner, upon contact by the Homicide Bureau, will designate a mortuary; and
  • Prepare a Person Dead Report without a Coroner's case number. This number will be obtained by the Homicide Bureau at a later date.

All person dead reports (homicide, suicide, accidental, and natural) shall list the person dead as a “V” for victim on the incident report.

If, in the above instances, the handling Field Deputy is unable to notify the next-of-kin, he shall notify the Homicide Bureau which shall have the responsibility for making the notification.