5-09/020.00 - Worthless Checks

Worthless checks of the following classifications shall be investigated by the indicated Unit of this Department:

  • Station/Unit Detective:
    • Account closed;
    • Not sufficient funds (NSF);
    • Counterfeit Checks;
    • Forgery;
    • Unlawful possession; and
    • Fictitious print.

Account Closed/Not Sufficient Funds (NSF): Refer to the Case Assignment and Reporting volume.

All cases with an arrest made shall be immediately referred to the Station/Unit Detective during normal business hours. The arrest and report are to be reviewed by the Patrol Sergeant for completeness and accuracy prior to assignment.

Victims of cases where no arrest is made shall be referred to the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s “Bad Check Restitution Program,” PMB 880, 7095 Hollywood Boulevard #104, Hollywood, California 90028-8903, telephone number (800) 842-0733, or Internet website of http://da.co.la.ca.us/badcheck.htm. The “Bad Check Restitution Program” will determine if restitution can be recovered and/or if additional investigation is needed for prosecution.

Frequent or high volume complaints (supermarkets, banks, etc.) may report such incidents via U.S. mail by completing a Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office “Bad Check Complaint Form." The check(s) must bear a bank rejection notice or “reason dishonored” stamp imprinted on the check(s) which shall be included with the “Bad Check Complaint Form.”

If further investigation is necessary for possible prosecution, the “Bad Check Restitution Program” will refer the case to the Station/Unit of jurisdiction.

Counterfeit (Currency, coins, U.S. Warrants, etc.) refer to the Case Assignment and Reporting volume.

When the Station/Unit receives a call that a forgery suspect is at the location or fled the location, a Patrol Unit shall be dispatched. An Incident Report (SH-R49) shall be taken whether or not an immediate arrest is made.

Station/Unit Detectives Assignment

If the incident reported is a Station/Unit Detective assignment, the following steps shall be adhered to:

  • Assign an URN to each check case; and
  • Make the following distribution:
    • Original SH-R-49 with one copy of check to RIB;
    • Copy to Station/Unit file; and
    • Copy and original check to the assigned Detective.

The Department's policy is not to establish a minimum dollar amount for accepting worthless check cases for prosecution. It is each Station's/Unit’s responsibility to consult with the local court jurisdiction for a consensus policy regarding prosecution criteria.