5-09/005.40 - Communication Through Telecommunications Devices for the Deaf (TDD)

Communication with the speech and hearing impaired will not always be in person. Often, individuals with these impairments will need to communicate via Telecommunication Devices for the Deaf (TDD) or computers. TDDs permit the users to communicate in a text format using a keyboard and some form of visual display. Any service or interaction that might ordinarily involve communication via telephone must also be available through TDDs.

A TDD user cannot communicate directly with someone who is using a telephone, but this does not mean that every desk or even every Unit must be equipped with a TDD. Relay services can be an effective bridge between the party who has only TDD and the party who has only a telephone. When a TDD or telephone call is placed to a relay service, the service will request the telephone or TDD number for the other party, place the call, and translate the call for both parties. Calls to individuals who are known to be using TDDs can be placed through the California Relay Service by dialing (800) 735-2922. Department members with hearing impairment may use a TDD to contact a hearing person through the California Relay Service by calling (800) 735-2929.

Individuals who use TDDs can also contact the Sheriff’s Headquarters Bureau TDD (213) 267-6669 and leave messages for Department personnel. Department personnel can return the calls using the California Relay Service.