5-07/310.10 - Acceptance of Service

If an employee being served at his present Unit of assignment is absent or relieved of duty (including employees temporarily reassigned), service shall be accepted by the Watch Deputy, Watch Sergeant, Watch Commander or designated supervisor and in civilian Units, by the authorized supervising civilian employee.  The person accepting service shall immediately forward the documents to the Unit’s operations office for processing. It shall be the responsibility of the operations office to notify a relieved of duty employee of such service.

Service shall not be accepted if the employee being served is not presently assigned to the Unit.  All attempts shall be made to determine where the employee is assigned, and this information relayed to the process server.

If the employee is served personally, he shall immediately notify his supervisor.  The supervisor will then comply with "Unit Responsibilities."

Service shall not be accepted for a person no longer employed by the Department.  No information regarding the former employee shall be furnished to the process server.

Acceptance of service not related to Department business (i.e., private business contracts, personal property disputes, etc.) at an employee's work place is permissible under the law. It shall be the responsibility of the accepting supervisor to forward the "Claim of Plaintiff and Order" to the named employee.  The statute also requires the named employee be served with a second copy of the claim via U.S. mail within ten days of substituted service.