5-07/200.15 - Reporting Mileage Procedure: Court Mileage Reimbursement - (Civilians)

Civilian mileage permittees shall include the court mileage on their regular Mileage Claim (76M395).  Under the column headed "Purpose of Trips," personnel shall show the court mileage as being pursuant to Section 80 of the County Administrative Code and shall include the case number.

Civilian personnel shall submit the Mileage Claim at the end of the regular mileage reporting period for processing by Fiscal Administration and payment by the Auditor-Controller.

Civilian personnel not under a mileage permit, and using their own vehicle for transportation to or from court, shall file a Mileage Claim for the actual mileage driven by complying with the following:

  • Write the words "Civil Subpoena" in the upper right-hand corner of all three copies of the Mileage Claim forms to distinguish these claims from those of regular mileage permittees; and
  • Under the column headed "Purpose of Trips," write "Pursuant to Section 80 of the County Administrative Code" and include the case number.

Civilian personnel shall submit an approved Mileage Certification (SH-AD-111) and the Mileage Claim to Fiscal Administration, Special Accounts Section, Attn:  Witness Fees, on the first regular working day following his last court appearance date.

Civilian personnel responding to a civil subpoena, as outlined under this section, shall not, under any circumstances, file a Mileage Claim if a County vehicle is used for transportation.