5-07/160.00 - Extradition Procedures

The arrest and return by extradition or after waiver of extradition of fugitives wanted by this Department from outside California will, in all cases, be coordinated by Fugitive/Warrant Detail.  The Fugitive/Warrant Detail Commander, through his Extradition Unit, shall be the liaison agent of this Department with the District Attorney concerning extradition matters and shall be responsible for:

  • Informing the investigating Deputy, to whom the case is assigned, regarding extradition procedures;
  • Supervising preparation of an extradition request from information provided by the investigating Deputy;
  • Accompanying investigating officer to District Attorney's Extradition Section for processing of request and obtaining approval or denial of extradition;
  • Recommending an agent or agents to the District Attorney and submitting authorization on the Departmental Nomination of State Agent form (76A749);
  • Coordinating with the investigating Deputy, the securing of all necessary documents needed for the location, apprehension and extradition of the wanted person in addition to supervising the correct correspondence and forwarding of documents, as required by circumstances of the case;
  • Assisting the investigating Deputy or other persons named as extradition agent in obtaining necessary expense money through the District Attorney's Extradition section for return of the wanted person to this jurisdiction;
  • Informing the agency which has custody of the person wanted by this Department of complete travel plans of our agents, including mode of travel and estimated arrival time; and
  • Recording by supplemental report all actions taken in reference to the extradition and the return of the wanted person to this jurisdiction.  The investigating Deputy will retain the responsibility for all other investigative reporting.

In emergency cases when the investigating Deputy desires an immediate out-of-state arrest of a wanted person and it is not possible to obtain extradition approval from the County District Attorney's Office prior to the arrest the investigating Deputy shall obtain the approval of the Fugitive/Warrant Detail Commander or his designee before requesting or authorizing the arrest.

Should the request for immediate out-of-state arrest meet with the approval of the ranking Deputy contacted, the District Attorney's Office will be so advised by the Fugitive/Warrant Detail Commander and extradition approval requested from that office as soon as possible after the arrest.  In the event extradition is not approved by the District Attorney's Office, the agency holding the wanted person shall immediately be notified by Fugitive/Warrant Detail to release the person in custody.