5-07/040.20 - Inmate Reception Center (IRC) Procedure

Upon receipt of a Writ of Habeas Corpus, IRC shall:

  • Time stamp the document(s);
  • Update the Automated Justice Information System (AJIS) if the Writ authorizes bail;
  • Arrange for release if the Writ authorizes "Own Recognizance" (OR) release;
  • Notify proper legal department (e.g., District Attorney, County Counsel, etc.) regarding the Writ and its return date, time and location;
  • Notify the Transportation Bureau, if necessary; and
  • Make the return on the Writ as required, making distribution as follows:
    • Original to the issuing court;
    • First copy to District Attorney, City Attorney or County Counsel as applicable;
    • Second copy to appellant or his counsel; and
    • Third copy to IRC files.

IRC will make the return on all Writs of Habeas Corpus for criminal cases including sentenced and unsentenced prisoners.  Returns on Writs of Habeas Corpus involving civil cases will be made by the County Counsel.