5-06/080.00 - Bomb Threats, Searches, Suspicious Packages, Found Explosives, Devices and Booby Traps

Stations/Units should dispatch one or more patrol units to the victim location upon notification of a bomb threat.  The number of responding units depends upon the size of the facility involved and the number of people that may have to be evacuated.  The handling Unit should question the person who received the threat and attempt to ascertain the greatest amount of workable information to be included in the SH-R-49 report, such as:

  • When did the caller say the bomb was going to explode;
  • Where did the caller say the bomb was placed;
  • What did the caller say the bomb looked like;
  • What kind of bomb did the caller say had been placed;
  • What did the caller say would make the bomb explode;
  • Did the caller personally place the bomb;
  • Why was the bomb placed;
  • What is the caller's name and address;
  • Exact wording of the threat;
  • Sex of the caller;
  • Race of the caller;
  • Age of the caller;
  • Time and date of the threat;
  • Description of the caller's voice; and
  • Description of any background noises.

The above information is necessary for follow-up investigation by Station/Unit detectives assigned to investigate 148.1 PC, False Report of Secretion of Explosives or Facsimile Bomb.  Facsimile or hoax bombs (devices that are created to look like a bomb) shall be assigned to the Arson/Explosives Detail for investigation.

The handling unit should confer with the victim and/or management, if a commercial location, to determine if the victim desires to conduct a search for the bomb.  THIS SHALL BE THE VICTIM'S DECISION.  When no bomb or suspicious package has been found and the victim does not desire a search, the patrol unit should initiate an SH-R-49 report and take no further action.