5-06/070.05 - Military Explosives

Military explosives are defined as all types of explosives used in warfare, whether of enemy origin or accidentally released by friendly forces.  Explosives include the following:

  • Marine markers;
  • Hand grenades;
  • Blast simulators;
  • Bombs;
  • Rockets;
  • Guided missiles; and
  • Atomic weapons.

Except on military installations, explosive ordnance reconnaissance shall be the responsibility of the law enforcement agency within the jurisdiction.

The following agencies are responsible for explosive ordnance reconnaissance under the conditions which follow:

  • Military explosive ordnance disposal in navigable waters and up to the high tide mark on ocean frontage is the responsibility of the Navy; and
  • Military explosive ordnance disposal above the high tide mark on land in this area shall be the responsibility of the Sixth Army.

When any reported objects appear to be military explosives, Homeland Security Division, Arson/Explosives Detail shall respond, and either recover, evaluate, and/or notify the U.S. Military.