5-06/030.35 - Protection of Firefighters and Equipment

Arson and the proliferation of fires is a common problem in handling a crowd or riot situation.

It shall be the policy of this Department to protect fire department personnel and their equipment so as to permit them to carry out their mission.  This protection may include escorting fire equipment into an affected area.  Such escorting shall be coordinated with fire command personnel co-located at the Field Command Post, Station/Unit EOC or the DOC when activated.  Law Enforcement Mutual Aid resources should be considered as potential fire escort resources (CHP has accepted the mission) and will be considered through the DOC.

The Incident Commander is responsible for making the decision regarding the level of protection supplied to fire personnel.  When faced with life-threatening situations and a critical shortage of personnel, a decision may be made to extract fire personnel.  Once sufficient law enforcement escort is available, a joint decision (law enforcement and fire) shall be made as to re-entering the area.