5-06/000.65 - Medical Requests for Helicopter Transportation

When a medical request is received from a private or county hospital for helicopter transportation of blood, critically ill patients, burn victims, premature babies, body parts, serums, etc., the requesting party shall be referred to the Medical Alert Center (MAC).  The MAC will then evaluate the request, determine the most appropriate method of transportation and coordinate such transportation with the various agencies concerned.  In all cases, Deputy personnel shall, after receiving a medical request, notify the MAC and ascertain that contact has been established with the MAC by the requesting party.

Should the request be of an emergent nature, the Deputy receiving the request shall obtain the name and phone number of the requesting party, the name and location of the hospital and the nature of the emergency.  The Deputy shall relay this information to the MAC.

The Medical Alert Center will notify Aero Bureau if helicopter transportation is deemed appropriate.  Aero Bureau will then coordinate with the requesting party or facility, Emergency Services Detail and the receiving hospital, while obtaining proper Department authorization.

If a medical emergency request for helicopter transport is received while the Department Operations Center (DOC) is activated, Aero Bureau shall notify the Air Operations Officer in the DOC and respond at the direction of the Incident Commander.