5-05/060.10 - Photographs

Traffic collision scenes shall be photographed when the collision involves a fatality, serious injury which may become a fatality, or when a Department vehicle is involved.

A photograph of the face of a deceased party shall be taken for identification purposes.

Traffic collision scenes shall be photographed when photographs would aid in any criminal prosecution.  Traffic collision scenes shall be photographed within the guidelines of the Traffic Services Detail Index Briefing concerning photography.

Digital Photographs shall be processed as follows:

  • All photographs shall be sent to the Scientific Services Bureau Photographic Laboratory along with a Photo-Digital Services Request form.  The photographs shall be copied to a digital media format as listed on the form and labeled, at minimum, with the full file number before transmittal;
  • The Photographic Laboratory is responsible for forwarding the requested number of prints to the proper unit;
  • Requests for additional prints should be forwarded to the Photographic Laboratory on an SH-R-198 form or SH-R-258 form, as appropriate.

Film shall be processed as follows:

  • Exposed film and a Photographic Order (SH-R-198 or SH-R-258) form, as appropriate, should be sent to the Scientific Services Bureau Photographic Laboratory for processing;
  • The Photographic Laboratory is responsible for forwarding the requested number of prints to the proper unit;

requests for additional prints should be forwarded to the Photographic Laboratory on the same Photo-Digital Services Request form, as appropriate.