5-05/020.05 - RADAR/LIDAR Enforcement

The use of Radio-Detection and Ranging (RADAR) and Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR) equipment for speed enforcement shall be limited to those personnel who have successfully completed this Department's POST-approved RADAR and LIDAR Operator Training course.

  • RADAR and LIDAR equipment shall be properly maintained by the supervisor.  RADAR units and tuning forks, as well as LIDAR units shall be sent annually to a manufacturer's authorized repair and service facility for service and calibration.  A RADAR and LIDAR unit may remain in service longer than five years, if that unit is sent to an authorized facility for recertification at a minimum of once every three years.  Each unit shall contact the Traffic Services Detail for the appropriate forms and the locations of current approved recertification centers.  RADAR and LIDAR units which fail recertification may be returned to the manufacturer for either repair or replacement.  (This partial exemption is in addition to the required annual calibration checks.);
  • Deputies shall utilize RADAR AND LIDAR equipment only on streets with a posted speed limit which has been justified by a traffic and engineering survey conducted within seven years or ten years if a registered engineer evaluates the section of highway and determines that no significant changes have occurred prior to the alleged violation or on a street or alley exempted by Section 40802(b) CVC.  RADAR and LIDAR may also be used to enforce the state maximum speed limit;
  • Deputies shall check the calibration of the RADAR unit with appropriate tuning forks at the beginning and end of each shift.  The internal calibration function shall be utilized periodically throughout the shift.  If there is any doubt as to the reliability of the RADAR unit, it shall not be used for speed enforcement;

Deputies shall check the vertical and horizontal alignment of the HUD aiming reticle and perform two range checks of known distances of 200 feet or more in length along with an internal circuit check of any LIDAR device at the beginning of their shift.  The internal circuit check shall be used periodically throughout the shift.  If there is any doubt as to the reliability of the LIDAR unit, it shall not be used for speed enforcement.