5-04/200.00 - Accountability for Released or Disposed of Property and Evidence

All property and evidence released to an owner or an agent of the owner shall have a Receipt for Property (SH-CR-19), generated by PRELIMS and signed by the owner or an agent of the owner. The name of the Department personnel authorizing its release is recorded in PRELIMS and displayed on the Authorization to Release Property or Evidence form (SH-AD-121).  Both the Authorization to Release Property or Evidence form (SH-AD-121) and Receipt for Property (SH-CR-19) are generated in PRELIMS. See section 5-04/180.20 Release of Property/Evidence to Owner; Section 5-04/180.30 Release of Property/Evidence to Owner – Firearms; and section 5-04/180.40 Release of Stolen or Embezzled Property.

Permanent release of property and evidence to another agency for investigative purposes requires approval in PRELIMS from the investigating officer and lieutenant or designee, when appropriate.  See section 5-04/180.70 Release of Property/Evidence to Outside Agencies.

Board of Supervisors approval is required when a case has been adjudicated and the outside agency would like an item (not originating from that agency) released for other-than-investigative purposes.

Transfer of unclaimed property and items no longer needed as evidence to a Department unit requires approval as outlined in Section 5-04/190.00 Disposition of Unclaimed Property/Evidence – Department Use. This approval is recorded in PRELIMS. 

Lieutenant or designee approval is required prior to the destruction of any property/evidence of no value as evidence or no value for sale at the station/unit.  This approval is recorded in PRELIMS.  See section 5-04/180.50 Disposition of Property/Evidence Held by Station/Unit.

Miscellaneous receipts and bail form sets shall be secured in an appropriate administrative file.

The white and yellow copies of the Booking and Property Record form (SH-J-293) shall serve as a receipt for prisoner's property released to that prisoner or to a person designated by the prisoner.  These copies of the booking and property record, when forwarded to Records and Identification Bureau, are microfilmed and permanently retained.