5-04/180.50 - Disposition of Property/Evidence Held by Station/Unit

Property/evidence of no value as evidence or no value for sale can be destroyed at the station/unit.  Lieutenant or designee approval is required prior to destruction when the items are transferred to a final disposition location of “Disposed from LASD” in PRELIMS by the unit property custodian.  Upon completion of the transfer, the STATUS of property/evidence disposed in this manner is updated in PRELIMS to DISPOSED.

All property and evidence of resale value that is not released at the station/unit shall be transferred to Central Property custodian for final disposition.

All contraband not authorized for destruction at the unit shall be transferred to the Central Property custodian for final disposition.

Narcotic contraband, paraphernalia, and devices shall be transferred to Central Property custodian for final disposition.  Narcotics Bureau, in collaboration with the Central Property custodian, shall be responsible for final disposition of all narcotic contraband, paraphernalia, and devices. See section 5-04/180.80 Destruction of Narcotic Evidence.

Items for which the owner is unknown, cannot be contacted, or the owner does not wish to claim shall be transferred to the Central Property custodian for final disposition.

Items which the owner wishes to claim and the owner can be contacted shall be held at the station/unit.  The owner shall be notified by the investigating officer to pick up the property.  Property not claimed within 30 days shall be forwarded to the Central Property custodian.  Property forwarded to Central Property and not claimed within 90 days can be disposed.

If the item is a firearm, the legal owner must claim, sell, or transfer ownership of the firearm within 180 days of being notified the weapon is eligible for release. Firearms not claimed, sold, or transferred within this period of time shall be forwarded to the Central Property custodian for final disposition.

Property of value for Department use may be acquired with proper authorization. No property shall be used by stations/units until proper authorization is received.  Units seeking to acquire unclaimed property shall request the Division budget representative to originate a Request for Property Acquisition (SH-AD-558). Division approval must be by signature of a Division Commander or Chief and departmentally approved by the Director, Fiscal Administration (see section 5-04/190.20 Acquisition Request and Release of Unclaimed Property).