5-04/110.70 - Hazardous Narcotic Evidence Handling and Disposal

Evidence which is suspected to contain phencyclidine liquid, crystals, freshly sprayed mint leaves, etc., shall not be stored inside any Department facility or permitted in any courtroom.  This evidence shall be taken to Scientific Services Bureau by a Narcotics Bureau deputy or transported to the laboratory via the Scientific Services Bureau courier for chemical and physical analysis of the materials.  Sufficient samples for later defense examination by private laboratories will be maintained by the Central Property custodian, and counsel wishing to examine any such object or substance shall do so at Central Property.

A digital image shall be taken at Scientific Services Bureau to include the name of the investigating deputy and the criminalist performing the analysis, the file number and a system to designate the material so that it can be identified from a printout of the digital image.  The court will accept a color copy of the digital image of the object or substance in lieu of the actual evidence.

Upon conclusion of analysis at the laboratory, Narcotics Bureau, in collaboration with the Central Property custodian, shall be responsible for disposal of the evidence.  Appropriate evidence disposition entries shall be made in PRELIMS. See section 5-04/180.90 Destruction of Narcotic Evidence.

The above procedures pertain primarily to Narcotics Bureau personnel and should not be confused with the procedure for clandestine laboratories.  The procedure for disposal of hazardous chemicals at clandestine laboratories can be found in the Emergency and Disaster chapter.