5-04/110.20 - Narcotics Bureau Evidence Responsibility

The Narcotics Bureau, in conjunction with the Central Property custodian, shall be responsible for the storage and security of all narcotic evidence and the disposition of all evidence relative to a narcotic case.  The Narcotics Bureau deputy shall visually inspect the narcotic evidence and, if necessary, open sealed packages to verify contents, counts, etc.  All narcotic contraband shall be transferred from the custody of the station/unit as soon as feasible. 

When dealing with station/unit contraband, e.g. tablets, pills, LSD, etc., it will be at the discretion of the Narcotics Bureau deputy whether an actual count will be made and noted or whether a gross weight will be utilized.  The determination will be predicated on the type and quantity of the evidence itself.  See Section 5-04/110.50 Narcotic Evidence Special Handling.

Following the visual inspection, transparent evidence bags shall be resealed with a heat-sealer, if necessary, by the Narcotics Bureau deputy.  The count results of the visual inspection shall be noted, and the Narcotics Bureau deputy’s signature, employee number, and the date the bag was opened shall be recorded on the pre-printed line on the bag, indicating that the bag was opened.  After a bag has been re-opened twice or is damaged, the bag and its contents shall be secured within a new serialized, transparent evidence bag, PRELIMS updated with the serial number of the new bag, a property/evidence label shall be printed and affixed to the new bag, and a supplementary report written indicating the new bag's serial number.