5-04/090.50 - Deposit of Trust Fund Money

On the day the miscellaneous bank account deposit is to be made, all accumulated currency (ITEM TYPE) in the safe with a status of DEPOSIT in PRELIMS shall be removed and processed as follows:

  • Amount of money shall be counted and verified by the watch deputy or watch commander.
  • A new bulk container shall be created in PRELIMS, and four copies of the container label shall be printed.  Each container created is associated to a unique number in PRELIMS which replaces the previously used Miscellaneous Receipt Number from the County of Los Angeles Miscellaneous Receipt (76M474A).  A container label shall be affixed to each copy of the County of Los Angeles Miscellaneous Receipt (76M474A).
  • The custody of all items to be deposited shall be transferred to the newly created PRELIMS bulk container.  
  • Once the deposit is made, the watch sergeant/commander shall record the deposit in PRELIMS as a final disposition which will update the STATUS of each item to DISPOSED.  Completion of the disposition, process will require entry of the bank deposit number (or unique transaction number), which is included on the bank deposit receipt.  Scan the bank deposit receipt and electronically attach the receipt to the case in PRELIMS.